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Partner Pendulum, made of non-impregnated mountain larch

Partner Pendulum, made of larch

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Order number: L7.67000

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

The Partner Pendulum is the playful and physical embodiment of the laws of cause and effect. The pendulum motions of the partners are interdependent. If one pendulum is set in motion while the other is still, then the latter also begins to move; and vice versa. Synchronised swinging extends the effect and the play becomes more energetic as a result. The rope geometry also allows interchangeable hopping of the partners on the pendulum swings.

Recommended For

  • schoolchildren
  • young people
  • supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar
  • public areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar

Price Enquiry

Partner Pendulum, made of larch - Order No: L7.67000

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