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Climbing Ropes single element with equipment made of non-impregnated mountain larch

Climbing Ropes single element

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Order number: L6.51820

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

The equipment „Climbing Ropes" is particularly suited to make use of height changes in the landscape. Hills and dales are structured and at the same time, ground and plant are protected from play activities. The simple, but clever rope construction, makes climbing activities in both directions a playful challenge. Aluminium swages on the walking ropes allow for a firm step despite all difficul-ties. The Climbing Ropes represent an attracting basic element of activity trails.The rope length can vary and various connecting elements can be combined as the planning requires. Parallel running climbing ropes, as shown, are particularly attractive.

Recommended For

  • School children
  • Public areas such as playgrounds, leisure areas, youth centres, school playgrounds or similar

Price Enquiry

Climbing Ropes single element - Order No: L6.51820

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