Play Value
The Suspension Bridge is an attractiveconnection element in play centres.Interesting walking zones betweenfixed equipment increase the play value.Children have fun testing their skills onshaky ground. The walking boards areindividually fastened to the carryingropes which are suspended from jointsto the support posts. As a result, thebridge floor is very flexible and enablesseveral exciting activities. A possiblealternative to the chains is the versionwith supporting ropes and railings made of Richter Hercules type rope. We recommend thisversion in situations where the clatteringof the chain handrails may be disturbing.
Recommended For
- kindergarten children
- school children
- supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar
- public play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after
- school programmes or similar
- swimming pools without supervision, such as outdoor pools, adventure pools or similar
Price Enquiry
Running Boards with chain handrails for suspension bridge, length = 4 m - Order No: 3.66100
* indicates required