Play Value
The claddings of the tower walls arede-barked by hand allowing them toretain the natural structure of the wood.This means you can still feel where thebranches used to grow on the tree, andthe grain remains visible. The playroomsof our towers are also little individualplay-house offers and their size matchesthat of a child's perception. By providingintermediate floors, cosy little rooms arecreated; some are fitted with a hatch. Abench in the bottom room is an invitingplace to meet for a chat where childrenfeel sheltered and protected. Climbingup to the next floor in the tower is alsovery exciting. The various combinationelements such as slide, suspension bridge,chain path etc. make the tower especiallyappealing. To enhance the transparency,the side walls of the tower can be fittedwith four lookout slits at an additionalcharge.
Recommended For
- kindergarten children
- schoolchildren
- supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools after-school programmes or similar
- public play areas without supervision such as playgrounds, parks or similar
Price Enquiry
Pentagonal Tower with steel feet, larch, height = 2m - Order No: L3.20800