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Products > Animals and vehicles > Big Fish with Slide and Staircase

Big Fish with Slide and Staircase with core-free sawn-timbers

Big Fish with Slide and Staircase

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Order number: 4.08301

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

The attractive appearance of the Big Fish, which is just rising out of the water, gives this play equipment its stimulative nature. The children can conquer the platform via a wide ramp and can explore their surroundings through big “portholes”. They can also enjoy sliding fun together on the wide slide. The tummy of the fish under the platform can also be used as a hidey-hole or a little house.

Recommended For

  • kindergarten children
  • supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after
  • school programmes or similar
  • public play areas without supervision such as playgrounds, parks or similar

Price Enquiry

Big Fish with Slide and Staircase - Order No: 4.08301

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