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Products > Movement > Balancing Rope with PP-rope

Balancing Rope with PP-rope with equipment made of oak

Balancing Rope with PP-rope

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Order number: 10.95005

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

Balancing on a rope corresponds to a original feeling towards life. The risk of doing it is an exciting game against the force of gravity and the sense of balance. Everybody knows the feeling of following one‘s thread of their own

life while constantly balancing, and of being in danger of tipping to one side or the other. Here on the balancing rope, inner balance can be experienced and practised.

Recommended For

  • School children
  • Young people
  • Swimming pools without supervision, such as outdoor pools, adventure pools or similar
  • Supervised play areas, such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar

Price Enquiry

Balancing Rope with PP-rope - Order No: 10.95005

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